Taking On Aurora’s Challenges...
...Getting the Job Done
Taking On Aurora’s Challenges...
...Getting the Job Done

Every resident in the City of Aurora has the right to live without fear of being a victim of a crime.
Ensure that our police officers have all the resources they need, along with competitive pay and benefits, to attract and retain the very best trained police officers.
Enact policies, at the local level, that deter criminal behavior and advocate, at the state level, for much tougher sentences for repeat offenders.
Build on our successful program that uses mental health professionals to respond to 911 emergency calls when a law enforcement response is unnecessary.

Help prevent homelessness by increasing the city’s inventory of affordable housing and help homeless veterans access services through the Veterans Administration.
Reduce unsheltered homelessness by having enough shelter space and services to accommodate those who are camping on the streets with a safe, secure place to stay and provide them with the treatment, job training, and employment, necessary for them to obtain stable housing.
Encampments, or unsheltered homelessness, are a threat to public health and public safety and require the city to maintain a camping ban that is defensible in court, if challenged.

Housing Affordability
Implement the requirements of Amendment 123 by increasing the supply of affordable housing by a minimum of three percent, year over year, giving the city the ability to access state funds made available through the voter-approved initiative.
Allow innovative designs to lower housing costs such as permitting smaller homes on small lots with common areas that provide amenities.
Encourage affordable housing to be located where the demand is greatest and where there are rising concerns that redevelopment will push lower income residents out of their neighborhoods.